Parte BBR-18712/1/258854/50 - Breandán Breathnach Collection. Reel-to-Reel 278 [sound recording] / [various performers]. Track 50

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Breandán Breathnach Collection. Reel-to-Reel 278 [sound recording] / [various performers]. Track 50


  • [n.d.] (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 Track (1 min., 46 sec.)

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Jig: The Little Boy Fed on the Hill [CICD 2544 (not from this recording); Larry the Beerdrinker]

Farrell, Pat, Longford - fiddle in duet
Hanley, Jim, Longford - fiddle in duet

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Condiçoes de reprodução

In copyright

Idioma do material

  • inglês
  • irlandês

Script do material

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Tracks A13–52 are copies of tracks A1–40 on 645-ITMA-REEL.
References to CICD cards contain information only about cards originating from the musician(s) playing on the track in question.
There is a close connection between the tape catalogued in this record & that at 1363-ITMA-REEL. Both have the name 'Ri-Theip' connected with them, and much music is the same on both tapes. This needs to be investigated further. However, it seems clear that 1363-ITMA-REEL is Ri-Theip 1, and, accordingly, all CICD cards that have the source ID 'Ri-Theip 1' are assumed to be connected with that tape rather than with this.
The name of the performer Pat Farrell, Longford, is often given on CICD cards as Peter Farrell. The version Pat Farrell is adopted because this is the version given in CRE 2
Digitised and catalogued by Jackie Small, completed June 2004.
DAT transferred digitally to hard drive and saved as 24 bit BWF using the DATs original sample rate. Files are stored on ITMA server. The WAV titles follow the convention of their relevant DAT copies. Niall Hackett, 2010
Imported from Reeldubs July 2013
ARDI: For dates of tracks A13–52, see 645-ITMA-REEL

Spoken information on tape ; See related ephemera ; Carton: '2 / __? / Ri- / teip / AC 4 / John Maguire' See carton for complete information ; Information about Johnnie Maguire and some of the tunes from him on this reel-to-reel tape can be found in 'The Man and His Music – Johnnie Maguire', Ceol, vol III, no 1. ; CICD cards written from this tape?

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Línguas e escritas

  • inglês



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