Item OMO-276003/2 - Oliver Moran Songbook B

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Oliver Moran Songbook B


  • mid 20th century (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

204 pages

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

(1 January 1933-27 May 2017)

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

The contents of this songbook are as follows:
Zing a little zong [song: words only] -- She wears red feathers [song: words only] -- Old Folks at Home, The [song: words only] -- Isle of Innishfree, The [song: words only] -- Have I told you lately that I love you [song: words only] -- Tennessee Waltz, The [song: words only] -- Little White Duck, The [song: words only] -- Good luck, good health, God bless you [song: words only] -- Mother Machree [song: words only] -- Forever and ever [song: words only] -- Auld Lang Syne [song: words only] -- Macnamara's Band [song: words only] -- Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag [song: words only] -- When Irish eyes are smiling [song: words only] -- Liberty Belle [song: words only] -- Truly Fair [song: words only] -- Some Enchanted Evening [song: words only] -- Gentle Maiden, The [song: words only] -- Irene Good-night [song: words only] -- End of the Road [song: words only] -- Silver Dollar [song: words only] -- Beloved Be Faithful [song: words only] -- Longing For You [song: words only] -- Sunshine of Your Smile [song: words only] -- Wild Colonial Boy, The [song: words only] -- Garden where the praties grow, The [song: words only] -- If I were a Blackbird [song: words only] -- Clare's Dragoons [song: words only] -- Reilly's Daughter [song: words only] -- Irish Rover, The [song: words only] -- Humour is on me now, The [song: words only] -- Mother's Love is a Blessing, A [song: words only] -- Kevin Barry [song: words only] -- Boolavogue [song: words only] -- On Top of Ol' Smoky [song: words only] -- Kentucky Waltz [song: words only] -- Roving Kind [song: words only] -- South of the Border [song: words only] -- Tipperary [song: words only] -- With These Hands [song: words only] -- Rolling Stone [song: words only] -- Now is the Hour [song: words only] -- My Bonnie lies over the ocean [song: words only] -- I wonder who's kissing her now [song: words only] -- Let him go, let him tarry [song: words only] -- Love's Roundabout [song: words only] -- Tulips and Heather [song: words only] -- Beautiful Brown Eyes [song: words only] -- Auf Wiedersēhn [song: words only] -- Homing Waltz, The [song: words only] -- Banks of My Own Lovely Lee, The [song: words only] -- You belong to me [song: words only] -- Poor Lil' Robin [song: words only] -- Too Young [song: words only] -- Valley of Knockanure [song: words only] -- Jealous Heart [song: words only] -- Rose of Tralee [song: words only] -- What a Referee [song: words only] -- Maidin I mBéara [song: words only] -- Jackets Green [song: words only] -- Ole Faithful [song: words only]

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