Item OMO-276003/1 - Oliver Moran Songbook A

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Oliver Moran Songbook A


  • mid 20th century (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

178 pages

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Nome do produtor

(1 January 1933-27 May 2017)

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

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Âmbito e conteúdo

The contents of this songbook are as follows:
[Front cover] -- [Eugene O'Neill - list of works] -- You are my sunshine [song: words only] -- Slattery's mounted foot [song: words only] -- Rose of San Antone [song: words only] -- San Antonio rose [song: words only] -- Danny boy [song: words only] -- I'll take you home again, Kathleen [song: words only] -- Eileen Aroon [song: words only] -- It's a long way to Tiperary [song: words only] -- Killarney [song: words only] -- Phil the Fluter's Ball [song: words only] -- Eileen Oge [song: words only] -- Come back, Paddy Reilly [song: words only] -- Mother Machree [song: words only] -- Rose of Tralee [song: words only] -- The Mountains of Mourne [song: words only] -- Believe me, if all those endearing young charms [song: words only] -- Cockles and mussels [song: words only] -- Let him go, let him tarry [song: words only] -- The hills of Donegal [song: words only] -- Patsy Fagan [song: words only] -- Macnamara's Band [song: words only] -- Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1 [prose] -- Piddling Pete [poem] -- This ole house [song: words only] -- Whatever will be, will be [song: words only] -- Que sera, sera [song: words only] -- I'll be home [song: words only] -- Yellow rose of Texas [song: words only] -- The Song of the wage-slave [song: words only] -- The reckoning [song: words only] -- The men that don't fit in [song: words only] -- George Bernard Shaw [quotation] -- Try again [song: words only] -- County of Armagh, The [song: words only] -- The usual way [song: words only] -- Macbeth, Act II, Scene III [prose] -- Macbeth, Act III, Scene II [prose] -- Macbeth, Act III, Scene I [prose] -- Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5 [prose] -- Abdul the Bulbul Ameer [song: words only] -- Wild colonial boy, The [song: words only] -- Mush! Mush! [song: words only] -- The moonshiner [song: words only] -- Let him go, let him tarry [song: words only] -- The Muskerry sportsman [song: words only] -- Bold Thady Quill [song: words only] -- Mrs. McGrath [song: words only] -- By the pale silvery light of the moon [song: words only] -- The star of the County Down [song: words only] -- The minstrel boy [song: words only] -- A nation once again [song: words only] -- The wearing of the green [song: words only] -- The engineers' song [song: words only] -- The weaver's song [song: words only] -- The foggy, foggy dew [song: words only] -- John Brown's body [song: words only] -- Danny boy [song: words only] -- Cockles and mussels [song: words only] -- Molly Malone [song: words only] -- The rose of Tralee [song: words only] -- She moved through the fair [song: words only] -- [Australia - Air traffic controllers] [advertisement] -- As you like it [prose] -- Hamlet, Act I, scene II [prose] -- Macbeth, Act II, Scene I [prose] -- [French. Language lessons and French life] -- [John Oliver Moran. Biographical note] [text]

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