Série JDO-18751/2 - Féile na Bóinne, Drogheda

Mary Ann Carolan and others [negative] / Joe Dowdall Fran McPhail and others [negative] / Joe Dowdall Joe Holmes and others [negative] / Joe Dowdall Press Gang [negative] / Joe Dowdall Various, dance [negative] / Joe Dowdall Mary Ann Carolan and others [negative] / Joe Dowdall Brian Mullen and others [negative] / Joe Dowdall Féile na Bóinne, Drogheda [negative] / Joe Dowdall Various, guitar [negative] / Joe Dowdall Various, singers [negative] / Joe Dowdall
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Féile na Bóinne, Drogheda


  • October 1977 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

15 negatives

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História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Féile na Bóinne, the Drogheda Folk Festival, was first organised as a weekend festival in January 1976 by a local committee of the Tradition Club of Drogheda, with an emphasis on Co Louth performers. It was next held on a larger scale in October 1977. A great concourse of singers, musicians, and dancers came to the town from all parts of Ireland that year, and parallel sessions of recitals, concerts, workshops, lectures, and sessions were held in the Whitworth Hall, the O’Raghallaighs GAA Club, and other local venues. The festival continued on a smaller scale into the 1980s. Revived in the 1990s, Féile na Bóinne still continues annually as an autumn weekend festival.

Many of the artists at the 1976 and 1977 festivals were photographed in performance by Drogheda professional photographer Joe Dowdall of West Street. His artistic work constitutes a valuable record of traditional music of the period, memorialising older source-singers and musicians who were then being discovered, and the young performers who were learning from them, in what was a heady and exciting period for Irish traditional music. Many of the singers, musicians and dancers pictured here have since died, and it is good to be able to see them in their heyday.

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Línguas e escritas

  • inglês



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